
Register for a free cognitive assessment test for Dementia screening with our expert

Dementia Care Has Never Been Simpler

Your Compassionate Guide in Dementia Care. We specialize in offering comprehensive resources.

Dementia Services

Comprehensive dementia services

Expert care, support, and resources tailored
to meet individual needs and enhance
quality of life.
Expert care, support, and resources tailored to meet
individual needs and enhance quality of life.

A.I. Based Neuro Rehab


Supports cognitive function and concentration through
focused mindfulness.

Lifestyle Management

Curate a well-rounded and healthy life with personalized guidance, promoting overall well-being and vitality  

Medicine Reminder

Enhances overall well-being by prioritizing
medication management.

Dementia Progress Tracking

Monitor and analyze cognitive changes over time, enabling informed
care decisions and personalized interventions.
Monitor and analyze cognitive changes over
time, enabling informed care decisions and
personalized interventions.

Introducing Manastik

Your Compassionate Guide in Dementia Care. We specialize in offering comprehensive resources and support for individuals and families navigating the challenges of dementia. Our unique lifestyle management approach empowers patients with practical tools and strategies to enhance their quality of life. Experience our pioneering feature that enables dementia patients to effortlessly track their daily schedules, fostering independence and peace of mind.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a general term used to describe a group of cognitive disorders characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities severe enough to interfere with daily life and functioning. It is not a specific disease but rather a syndrome that involves a range of symptoms related to memory, thinking, reasoning, communication, and behavior. Dementia is most seen in older adults, but it can also occur in younger individuals. 

Doctor side features

Targeted evaluation and personalized guidance for addressing
specific dementia symptoms and concerns. 

Remote Testing 

This Remote Testing bridges the gap between medical practitioners and their patients.

Patient Report Database 

This feature grants doctors unprecedented access to a centralized repository of detailed patient reports.

Set up Rehab Routine
in Minutes 

This intuitive tool integrates various therapeutic modalities.

Tracking Rehab Progress 

The Rehab Progress Tracking feature provides doctors with a comprehensive view of each patient’s journey.

Daily Data Points

This feature allows doctors to provide timely and targeted guidance to their patients by analyzing and interpreting daily data.


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