

Meditation has shown proof of improving memory, which is a common symptom that is noticed by almost all dementia patients in the latter stages of the condition, while also showing the ability to reduce cognitive decline.  

It is important to consider the shortcomings a person with dementia might face and how that might affect their ability to react to certain types of meditation before enforcing the same. 

Best Meditation for Dementia

A very simple and effective, yet basic mediation exercise can greatly improve a dementia patient’s day-to-day life, as well as their physical and mental wellbeing. 

Sitting upright on a chair and taking deep breaths through the nose, while focusing solely on breathing has seen dementia patients feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.  

Deep breathing allows a fresh flow of oxygen to the brain, also allowing the outflow of impurities. This cleanses the brain and improves its functioning. 

Does Meditation Reverse Memory Loss?

Meditation has shown signs of reversing memory loss in the early stages of a condition like dementia. 

Studies have shown that only 4 days of consistent meditation improves memory and cognitive skills as compared to patients who have not meditated as consistently. 

Can Pranayama Cure Dementia

No, while there is no cure for dementia yet. However, Pranayama, along with other forms of meditation and yoga can prevent conditions like dementia to occur, while also improving the symptoms for patients who practice Pranayama on a regular basis. 

Benefits of Meditation for Alzheimer’s and other Conditions

Yoga and meditation are considered ‘brain exercises’, which during the progression of a brain condition, become more vital than ever. Not only can a patient improve their symptoms by doing these ‘brain exercises’, but they can also work on their quality of life as well as lead a physically healthier lifestyle. 

Reduction of Stress

Stress is usually associated with increased inflammation in the body which is correlated to neuro conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, among others. Meditation is one of the strongest few ways in which it plays the role of a stress reliever and directly improves a person’s day-to-day life. 

Prevention of Cognitive Decline

Studies comparing the cognitive ability of people who meditate against people who don’t meditate showed clear signs of the fact that meditation, does, in fact reduce cognitive decline over a certain period of time. The same could be applied to patients who have a regular practice of the same. 

Reversal of Memory Loss

As mentioned before, basic meditation heavily helps in reversing short-term memory loss in the early stages of dementia, Alzheimer’s and similar conditions. Most of these conditions initially affect short-term memory, which is what meditation directly helps with.   

Stress Reduction for Caregivers

Due to obvious reasons while dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia patients, there is a lot of negative emotional and mental buildup in the primary caregiver for them. Getting the patient to participate in meditation routines helps the patient to channel their negative emotions in a more positive and productive way, making it easy for the caregiver to help them. 


Meditation has proven benefits not just for patients suffering from cognitive conditions, but people who are looking for some amount of peace and calm in an otherwise unorderly and chaotic lifestyle.  

In today’s stressful times, it becomes even more difficult for a patient to cope with the daily struggles of everyday life. Meditation not only becomes an escape from the same but also helps in improving the worsening case of a condition that otherwise has no cure. 

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