
Lifestyle Management

Medicine Reminder

Enhances overall well-being by prioritizing medication management. 

Why do dementia patients need medicine reminder to be part of their routine?

  • Vector 1497
    People with dementia often experience significant memory loss, making it challenging for them to remember to take their medications on time and in the correct dosage. 
  • Vector 1497
    Proper medication management is essential for managing symptoms and slowing the progression of dementia. 
  • Vector 1497
    Many individuals with dementia are on multiple medications with different dosages and schedules. This complexity can lead to confusion and missed doses.

10% of the population has dementia

Your Compassionate Guide in Dementia Care. We specialize in offering comprehensive resources and support for individuals and families navigating the challenges of dementia. Our unique lifestyle management approach empowers


Your Wellness Alarm

Individual schedule

The reminder feature can be customized to the individual’s medication schedule and preferences, ensuring that it suits their specific needs and routines.


Send alerts or notifications to caregivers, family members, or healthcare providers to ensure that the individual is taking their medications as intended.

Remote monitor

Caregivers can use the app to remotely monitor medication adherence and provide timely assistance or reminders when needed.

Lifestyle Management

Medicine Reminder

Enhances overall well-being by prioritizing medication management. 

Why do dementia patients need brain games to be part of their routine?

Why do dementia patients need medicine reminder to be
part of their routine?

  • People with dementia often experience significant memory loss, making it challenging for them to remember to take their medications on time and in the correct dosage. 
  • Proper medication management is essential for managing symptoms and slowing the progression of dementia. 
  • Many individuals with dementia are on multiple medications with different dosages and schedules. This complexity can lead to confusion and missed doses.

10% of the population has dementia

Your Compassionate Guide in Dementia Care. We specialize in offering comprehensive resources and support for individuals and families navigating the challenges of dementia. Our unique lifestyle management approach empowers


Your Wellness Alarm

Individual schedule

The reminder feature can be customized to the individual’s medication schedule and preferences, ensuring that it suits their specific needs and routines.


Send alerts or notifications to caregivers, family members, or healthcare providers to ensure that the individual is taking their medications as intended.

Remote monitor

Caregivers can use the app to remotely monitor medication adherence and provide timely assistance or reminders when needed.


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